
At Kewenvoyouma Law, PLLC we pride ourselves on our deep understanding of gaming law and tribal gaming regulations. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to serving tribal communities and assisting them with legal matters related to gaming and tribal gaming regulations.

Areas of Practice:

Tribal Gaming Regulation: Our team of experts is well-versed in the complex regulatory landscape of tribal gaming. We provide comprehensive legal services to tribal governments, tribal gaming commissions, and tribal gaming enterprises. Our services include drafting and reviewing gaming ordinances, negotiating gaming compacts with state governments, and advising on regulatory compliance.

Gaming Licenses and Permits: We assist our clients in obtaining and maintaining the necessary licenses and permits required for gaming operations. Our attorneys have in-depth knowledge of the application process, licensing requirements, and ongoing compliance obligations for various types of gaming operations, including casinos, bingo halls, and online gaming.

Tribal-State Compact Negotiations: We have extensive experience in negotiating tribal-state gaming compacts. Our attorneys work closely with tribal leaders to protect their gaming rights and ensure that the compact terms are fair and favorable to the tribe. We also provide guidance on compact amendment negotiations and dispute resolution.

Compliance and Risk Management: Our firm provides proactive counsel on compliance and risk management to minimize the potential legal risks associated with tribal gaming operations. We assist tribes in developing and implementing effective internal controls, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with federal, state, and tribal gaming regulations.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution: Our attorneys have a strong track record of successfully representing tribes in gaming-related litigation and dispute resolution matters. We provide aggressive advocacy to protect the legal rights and interests of our clients in tribal, state, and federal courts.

Why Choose Us?

Tribal Focus: We have a deep understanding of the unique legal and cultural issues that tribes face in the gaming industry. Our attorneys have a strong commitment to promoting and protecting tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

Expertise: Our team of attorneys has extensive experience in gaming law and tribal gaming regulations. We stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and provide our clients with cutting-edge legal strategies.

Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize building strong relationships with our clients and providing personalized legal services tailored to their needs. We take the time to understand our clients’ goals and work collaboratively with them to achieve the best outcomes.

Results-Driven: We are committed to achieving favorable results for our clients. Our attorneys are skilled negotiators and litigators who are dedicated to advocating for our clients’ interests in and out of the courtroom.